Monday, June 23, 2008

Words Matching Meaning

1.1 If two people are flying or driving together, one flies, working the controls of the plane; connected to the plane, the other does the navigating; connected to the earth. And they connect to each other by working out a means of communicating so that they can share information, when it is needed. If the connection, the language they use, is good, then they can communicate with zero parallax, zero error. The words match the same meaning for both the sender and the receiver. The words become their meaning. So that when the navigator tells the pilot where they are or which direction they need to go, the pilot has an image of what is coming up as if they are seeing it with their own eyes. And when the pilot asks the navigator for a specific piece of information, the navigator knows, exactly what the pilot needs.
1.2 If we want to communicate with zero parallax then we shape our words to suit the receiver. At the same time if we are listening then we shape our listening according to who is sending the information. It’s like devices in a computing system that talk to each other and understand each other because the device sensing the information also sends the receive information on how to decode the information. At the same time the receiver reads this decoding information so that it knows how to read what it receives.
1.3 Zeroparallax is sending information in such a way that it can be understood, and it is understanding how to decode information that we receive.
1.4 Understanding a clock, the old fashioned kind with hands that stand proud of the clock face, we know that for the most accurate time telling we have to stand directly in front of the clock and level with it to eliminate parallax. But understanding the clock and knowing where we are in relation to it, if we are standing to the side we can take our position into account when we check the time. As so standing to the side even though the clock looks like it says 12pm from our point of view we know that it really is about 12:05.

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Neil Keleher

©Neil Keleher 2008