Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Room To Move

Room to Move
When we know what it is that we are doing we are able to position our selves in the best way possible so that we have room to do what we are doing.

Riding a motorcycle what that means is that we are positioned on the bike so that we have room to steer it, and room to operate the controls. Also room enough to move ourselves relative to the bike when we need to. What that means is that we lean forwards enough or position ourselves forwards enough so that our elbows are bent so we have room to move the handlebars. It also means that our legs are bent enough that we can use them to shift our body from one side to the other or back to center.
Riding the bike itself room to move means positioning it while going around a corner so that we always have a little bit more room to lean it or turn it if we have to. Relative to the road itself and what is on it room to move means that we always have somewhere to go, a place of safety if we need to but it also means that we can also keep moving straight ahead, staying on the path.

Dancing with someone we give our body room to move, and we give our partner room to move too, whether we are leading or following we position ourselves relative to each other that we can both do what we have to do make the idea of dancing real. But we still stay connected. And we look for spaces on the dance floor where we can both do what we want to together.

Doing yoga while in a particular pose room to move is positioning each part of ourselves in the best position possible while still maintaining the shape of the pose. That means that each part of ourselves is involved in the pose so that then the pose becomes as easy as possible.

Room to move while driving is giving ourselves room to move but also everyone around us so that together we all flow. If one person gets into an accident because they don’t have room to move it can slow everyone down. And so room to move gives everyone room to flow so that we can all flow together.

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Neil Keleher

©Neil Keleher 2008