Monday, June 23, 2008

Acting on what we sense

1.1 When we sense ourselves it is that much easier to put ourselves in a position where it as easy as possible to do what we are trying to do, assuming we know what it is that we are trying to do. Sensing all the parts of ourselves and what we are connected to we can organize everything so that given what we are trying to do every part of ourselves is in the best position possible to do it.
1.2 Doing yoga I sense where all the parts of my body are relative to the earth and the pose I am trying to do. So that I can sense my body easier I move my awareness through it one part at a feeling my feet, are they far enough apart, are they pressing down, then I feel my knees, is the back one straight? Is the front one at 90 degrees? Then I feel my hips. Are they square to the front, am I pulling my pubic bone up. If not then I square them and I pull my pubic bone up more so that my lower back feels straighter. Then I feel my back and my chest. Are they both open? If not then I try to open them more. Is my neck long? Can it be longer? Are my shoulders feeling open as I reach my arms up? I sense all the parts of my body relative to what I am trying to do and I act on what I sense.

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Neil Keleher

©Neil Keleher 2008