Sunday, June 22, 2008

Gratitute, Recognizing what is around us and within ourselves

1.1 Meeting up with a friend for dinner one night (Talk about rhythm, we were friends and then we weren’t and then we were again!) when she arrived she started talking about gratitude and sorrow and then she showed me what they were. Cupping her hands upwards in-front of her heart like a flower with her elbows slightly bent and her heart open she showed me how to her gratitude was an outwards flow of energy, taking her out of herself. Then she showed me sorrow. She bowed her head forwards slightly with her hands clasped over her heart, the energy taking her inwards.
1.2 I was surprised. While I had spent a lot of time thinking about gratitude, I’d never before seen it expressed as a gesture and I’d never thought of sorrow in such a way, as if the two complemented each other.
1.3 I copied her gesture of gratitude and as I did I felt as if energy was entering me from the world around me, but it was moving inwards as opposed to outwards. As I sat there enjoying the feeling of energy flowing into me I realized that gratitude is recognizing what is around us, seeing its expression and allowing it inwards. It’s a way of being present, being with the people we are with or seeing what is around us. Recognizing the people we are with, we allow the energy of their expression inwards into our center. And then we return the energy by expressing ourselves.
1.4 But gratitude is more than just seeing what is around us, it’s recognizing what is within us too. It is learning to feel, to recognize our bodies and the parts of our bodies.
1.5 One of the most beautiful visualizations I’ve read and learned about is called the Inner Smile. I first learned about it in a book by Eric Steven Yudelove called “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy.” In this practice we smile to each of our organs, recognizing what it does for us. And it’s funny because even though they give us their function, in a way by recognizing, by being grateful, we are giving in return, by allowing them to give as if one is not better than the other, instead two parts of the same whole, like a teacher cannot teach without students nor can a student learn without a teacher. And so recognizing our organs, being grateful, we give energy to them and they give it back to us.
1.6 And it is the same when we recognize the expression of those around us, recognizing the gifts that those around us are giving. It’s as if by opening ourselves up to their expression we give them a direction for their expression, a place for their energy to flow so that when they give out energy they are able to receive it again just as we in receiving energy are then able to give out.
1.7 Gratitude, witnessing the expression of those around us. Gratitude, resting from the idea that we are expressing so that other ideas around us can express themselves. Resting so that we can enjoy the expression of other ideas and perhaps see how next we might like to express ourselves. Resting, doing nothing, we can see what is around us and allow their expression into our hearts.
1.8 And giving the people around us room to express themselves, we do the same for ourselves we give ourselves room and we also give ourselves energy which we can then give back out again so that those around us can learn themselves too.
1.9 And just as every inhale is followed or led by and exhale, so is gratitude as much giving out as it is taking in. It’s is recognizing what people give us, what is around us and in turn it is expressing ourselves so that they can see us.

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Neil Keleher

©Neil Keleher 2008