Friday, June 20, 2008

Consciousness and Energy, an Idea Made Real

1.1 What if when we are truly connected, we are moved by something bigger than ourselves. Like flying a kite and smoothly reeling out the string as the wind gets stronger or pulling it in as the wind dies, not too much or too little, just enough, and so tuned in that we pull or release the string in sync with the change of the wind. Instead of listening to the wind we are listening to the thing that drives the wind, feeling when it tells the wind to blow harder and when to blow softer. Tuned in we become one with the wind because we are listening not to the wind but to the same source that the wind is listening to.
1.2 To myself a dance seems like the perfect metaphor for two people who want to be together. It’s not so much that one is leading and the other follows, it’s more like we become a single entity, like two sides of a single brain where we take turns taking the lead depending on where we are and what we are doing.
1.3 Sometimes it takes practice, each of us learning ourselves so that we can come together, sometimes it takes learning to let go, but then sharing the same idea, we become part of the that idea.
1.3.1 It’s beyond trust and assumption. Once we know what we have to do we do it knowing that our partner will be doing what he or she has to do. It’s as if we’ve been practicing towards this moment. And it’s not assuming, or not recognizing, not being unconscious. Rather it is the opposite. We know exactly what our partner is doing and where they are and we know where we are. It’s like we’re being carried, or we are driving and at the same time as we are driving we are being driven, like a captain telling the helmsman, “First Star to the right” And that’s where they go. And when we are dancing with ourselves, expressing ourselves or perhaps leading others, the same feeling can be found, inside of us, trusting ourselves, our mind, our body, and our connection to something beyond ourselves. Allowing that “presence” to carry us.
1.4 We reach a point, whether through practice or just being present where instead of two people dancing together, one person leading and the other following, the two people become one. We are still ourselves, still two people but we are also something else, the dance, an idea outside of themselves made real. As if splitting up consciousness and energy is just a means of understanding, not so much too different parts as they are two different aspects of the same thing. Like looking at a circle and then a sin wave and realizing that really they are the same thing, two views of a spiral. Consciousness and energy, an idea made real.

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Neil Keleher

©Neil Keleher 2008