Monday, June 16, 2008

Positioning Ourselves for the Best View of the Way Ahead

1.1 Riding home one day I found myself stuck behind a slowly moving City bus. Traffic was heavy and I was feeling lazy but I moved to the right anyway and saw that the bus wasn’t going quite as fast as I thought relative to the traffic around it and there was plenty of room between it and the car it was catching up to, enough room for me to sneak my bike through with room to spare.
1.2 I realized that the better I positioned myself the easier it was for me to see the way ahead because I saw where everyone else was going and how fast they were taking to get there. Seeing where everyone else was going sometimes I saw paths before they appeared as if I was seeing a little way into the future and all I had to do to get that view was position myself for the best view of the way ahead.
1.3 Riding in the country, because of the trees it is hard to see what is around each corner. When I stayed close to the inside edge of a turn they blocked the view of the way ahead. Inspired by my experience with the bus I decided to change the way I rode. I positioned myself to the outside of a turn as I rode it and I found that I could see further ahead.
1.4 When I positioned myself wide (as opposed to going wide because I am looking to the outside of the corner) I felt safer because I could see so much further ahead. As a result I could go faster if I wanted to. The funny thing is, I used to limit myself before because of what I thought was good riding. I thought that I had to stay close to the inside lane. As a result I limited view of the way ahead and I felt very scared on twisty roads just because I couldn’t see that far ahead. Once I started to use the road, positioning myself for the best view of the way ahead, then riding became fun again. I could see where I wanted to go.

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Neil Keleher

©Neil Keleher 2008