Sunday, June 22, 2008

One With the Dance

1.1 Dancing freely, we sense, as we dance, what the environment will allow us to do. At the same time we are sensing what the floor will allow us to do, we are also listening to our partner, feeling where she can go so that we can go there together. Choosing a path to take based on what is around us and what we can do together, we pass our decision on to our partner.
1.2 The floor gives us signals, tells us where we can go by opening up spaces so that the space to move and the signal are one. And we do the same with our partner, signaling them by opening up in a particular way so that they know where to go. And just as we are tuned in to the space around us, looking for where we can go, our partner tunes in to the space we provide them and sees where they can go.
1.3 As we get more attuned to what is around us we begin to move into the space as it opens up and our partner does the same. We reach a point there is no lag between the space opening up and ourselves moving into it. We tune into the idea of the dance, we become the dance, one with ourselves and our partner and all the people dancing around us.
1.4 Sensing what is around us and within ourselves, sensing the connections we tune into something bigger than ourselves. Like flying a kite and smoothly reeling out the string as the wind gets stronger or pulling it in as the wind dies, not too much or too little, just enough, and so tuned in that we pull or release the string in sync with the change of the wind. Instead of listening to the wind we are listening to the thing that drives the wind, feeling when it tells the wind to blow harder and when to blow softer. Tuned in we become one with the wind because we are listening not to the wind but to the same source that the wind is listening to.

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Neil Keleher

©Neil Keleher 2008